Friday, December 21, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time

It can be the most wonderful time of the year if you are securely anchored in the middle of God's arms. I think I used two metaphors there... 

God moved into our neighborhood the day Jesus was born. You can mess with that story with your philosophy and revisionist history and skeptical religiosity, but the fact remains that God came to earth on a rescue mission. 

From that day forward he's been rescuing people and hanging out with those who believe. The world is still going to hell and yes, there won't be any bail out clause in the end. It isn't a message of hate but one of compassionate mercy and love that God would care so much to show up at your door. He just wants to hang out and be with you and allow his life to transform you.

Yah, I'm rambling again. But I know this God. He's in my house. He's with me daily and he has access to the deeper rooms of my house. From time to time I screw up because I try to live without him. Try that out with your spouse. You'll see what happens. You both get miserable. But I'm on the road. I'm journeying with God throughout the rest of my days on this planet. And that makes this the most wonderful time...

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