Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thinking about the Process ...

Because I’m journaling on my blog I can write what I want to write. I have some questions regarding the documentation process that was required for this trip in order to report back to the  Foursquare Foundation our results. I am very grateful for their support as we were able to purchase medicines, fund the medical team that traveled with us and conduct a fair amount of ministry in partnership with local doctors, nurses, youth leaders and pastors. Our ministry reach went pretty far with the resources afforded us. 

In the photo that's Joams and Nicki!  They were a huge help to our team - such servants!

Some observations about the process which really tie into other thoughts I have about our purpose overseas and the role we can effectively play in Kingdom advancing in Mindanao. I believe Rich eluded to this transformation that should take place over time where we do a more “lasting” work here in Mindanao. A few of us have talked about what we can do - briefly - but nothing definitive yet. We hope to meet in early September and talk more.

But just some thoughts that come up to the top - that “bubble up.” First, how can we do a more effective job of participating in either the discipling process or doing more to equip the young leaders we are partnered with so they can effectively follow-up? I say this on the heals of seeing over 600 folks come to Christ. There were about 11 kids I prayed for at the first campus - who received Jesus as Savior and Lord but we had no time to follow-up in that conversation and prayer. And I didn’t have the means of hooking up those leaders - those youth leaders with those specific kids. Shoot, I’d want to spend a lot of follow-up time with all eleven and lead them into a closer encounter with Jesus. This troubled me. We prayed for our youth leaders and co-laborers that God would direct them with wisdom and the ability to hook up with all those kids who received Christ. 

At the clinics, it seemed to work, having a process that included a decision card and a photograph. However, we asked ourselves repeatedly, is the photo necessary? The reason we asked is the processing time to print the photos. We were good at taking the photo and following a process to link the card with the photo - but the 1+ minute print time kept a couple people really busy when we were able to print. The first clinic had no power and that meant printing back at the hotel - when we were able - it went into the early morning to finish the 220 plus photos. Even with two printers humming along. At the second clinic we had power and most of the printing was completed before we left - but we still had work to do late at night. Do we need the photo? Can we hunt down the 10 second color printer? I know lasers work that fast but now we are talking expense, weight - but compared to the cost of the printer ink...laser may just be cheaper!  Something to consider next year - can you print direct from a camera to a printer?  We’ll explore next time.

The process - was good for us this year. Do read my blog entry on the salvation ratios. 

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