Wow - it is good to be back. I was very much anticipating the landing at SFO. Being away for over two weeks really made me appreciate what we have, our families and friends. But at the same time I've grown more aware of needs, more conscience of our world and the people who make it up and more thoughtful about how to optimize my part in advancing the good news of the Kingdom.
Returning back I had an email in my queue from Pastor Tom Johnston talking about a trip next year to San Narciso. Others are already making plans for next year while we were still in route from Manila. We have a world opened up to us and for the most part the resources to participate in those places in the world.
And yet, it is vital that we pause and spend time with God and seek his face on our part. For me I'm seriously asking God about us - the living hope community - and our role here in the Bay Area. This trip increasingly bothers me about our ineffectiveness - my ineffectiveness in reaching "our" world here in the bay. Too easily we can travel and reap a harvest and yet we leave our work for others to tend - disciple and bring to maturity. Jesus asked us to "go and make disciples." That "go" is about our life right here ... as we "go" about our business in life, we are to make disciples. I know we can care for each other and we do - mutual accountability, prayer support, partnerships in ministry - but I want so much more of the Lord in my everyday life - at work, home, community - that draws people to him.
So I'm praying. Join me as well in these coming months. There will be pressure to "commit" to next year soon. Davao, Cagayan, San Narciso, all points in between. But let's draw even closer to the Lord so we hear him better. Let's naturally express our love for him in care for those around us here in the Bay Area.
hoping that you have a nice stay here in the philippines.
I stand with you in reaching our own surroundings. I have a heart for those in the margins - even more recently my own brothers and sisters in Christ that we would grow into fruitful servants. It is a difficult task to pursue and one that truly depends on the Holy Spirit's guidance on both parts - shepherd and sheep for a response. My thought is that we press on by continuing to pray for our community, teach the Word in logic and application and build trust and identification through Spirit's work. I believe that God will enlighten the eyes of our hearts when we move into a place of identification of His Will according to His Word and mighty work through Jesus - as He loves us too greatly to leave us where we are at.
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