Tuesday, April 3, 2007

For Starters

Not necessarily in a blogging mood, but think I should start something. And if it is possible to post from anywhere without the massive overhead of an iWeb upload, this will be great. One more thing to test is the google calendar feature. Maybe google will be our hub vs .mac. Not sure.

Glad to try this out.

Today is my first official "day off" and I've been downloading chinese language podcasts via iTunes. Free of course. What is the likelihood of learning Mandarin? And is it the gateway to justifying an ipod video. Still waiting for that elusive video ipod that us old types can actually see! What's the point of a 2 1/2 screen to watch tv on...maybe an iphone will be worth the price of admission just to see video in a 3 1/2 inch format. I still long for the virtual screen that sort of rises from the ipod in 3d array. I saw it on Bones - why not from Apple??? ;-)

And today, as a day off/time out day, should also be a time to catch God's word for Living Hope for this Sunday. Praying, sort of. But I do want to hear from God each week and what better way to hear than by listening, with brain uncluttered - cluttered today though! Chinese? Mission Peak? Stuff at work... and listening to Anberlin: Dance, Dance, Christa Paffgen! What's that supposed to mean?


Wade Odum said...

Pretty good start for a blog began like 4 months ago...what's going on in your life now?


Wade Odum said...

Hhhhmmmmm...it's October now...what's new with you?
Miss ya bro.

p.Ben said...

Yeah - I know. I'm on facebook too! Haven't determined what I'm going to do but leaning toward .mac (though it costs.) Tools are good.